2025-2026 Year Tuition & Fees

We are committed to keep our tuition prices at the lowest level possible. The School Board works very hard to ensure that any increases in tuition and fees are minimized. MVCA does offer financial aid through FACTs, an independent firm that will provide MVCA with the recommendation for financial aid (please contact our front office or see “scholarships” on the website).

Multi-Student Discount

The Multi-Student Discount will be at 5% for each successive student after the first (based on oldest to youngest). The first student will pay full tuition and then each successive student will receive a discount of 5% for the second, 10% for the third, and so on.

Homeschool Single Course Option

(PreK-6)   One class for one semester (half year) - $550    

  One class for full year - $1,100


(7-12) One class for one semester (half year) $625 

One class for full year - $1,250


Please note that there are more home school options available under the Academics/Homeschooler Options. We are dedicated to assisting all parents in the education of their children and welcome each family to submit requests or ideas for ways we can help. We will also consider individual family needs to assist parents in educating at home.

Registration Fees:   

Pre-K-6th: $250

7th-12th: $300


Registration fees are not pro-rated for mid-year entry into MVCA as these fees cover the costs associated with administrative filing of records, placement testing, and curriculum for each student. For new students the initial $50 application fee will be deducted from the registration fee.

Tuition per year: 

Pre-K-6th: $6,500

7th-12th: $7,200


Payment plans for 9- or 12- month options with payments due on the 5th or 20th of each month. The 12-month plan runs from June to May and the 9-month plan runs from August to September of each year. If tuition is paid in full by August 1st a 3% discount will be provided.


If a student is withdrawn, dismissed, or expelled parents will pay a prorated portion of tuition based on the current quarter and a $100 withdrawal fee.

Pre-School Tuition Rates Breakdown

Full Days (8:00am – 3:00pm)

5 days a week: $6,5000.00 per year

4 days a week: $5,787.00 per year

3 days a week: $4,878.00 per year

2 days a week: $4,220.00 per year

Half Days (8:00am – 11:00am)

5 days a week: $4,025.00 per year

4 days a week: $3,087.00 per year

3 days a week: $2,484.00 per year

2 days a week: $2,180.00 per year

Where To Find Us

38907 WWJD Lane

Polson, MT 59860


Lower School: (406) 883-6858

Upper School: (406) 883-0706

MVCA does not and shall not discriminate on the basis of race, color, age, national origin (ancestry), disability, marital status, or military status, in any of its activities or operations. These activities include, but are not limited to, hiring and firing or staff, selection of volunteers and vendors, and provision of services.